
Live on and Go

Example of “Ridiculous” Science Research: How to Learn The True Nature of a Black Box?
Here is a fictional story of a science research. An institution wants to investigate how rats see things. Researchers put a cat near a rat, then the rat [...]
Rebellious Idea for Privacy-Security Researchers: Big-Data Neutralization System
The goal of this system is to let the service collect fake data so that service provider may not exploit the users by inferring the habit of users. [...]
NoirVisor Development Status Report by Jun 2020
COVID-19 pandemic is still raging around the world. I have been keeping myself locked down since early April, and I can’t unlock myself until the [...]
NoirVisor Development Status Report by Aug 2019
There are three months I have not been updating my blog. The reason is that I am busy. I am busy with different stuff and reasons. Though I am in holiday [...]
A simple method to hash file under Windows NT6
Since Windows NT6, Windows started to include certification utility. This file is called “certutil.exe”. You may call it through Windows [...]